Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why Does My Fungal Nail Infection Hurt Does A Fungal Nail Infection Hurt?

Does a fungal nail infection hurt? - why does my fungal nail infection hurt

I amnot sure what is wrong with my fingernail, and changed color as lokos brittle and sensitive to touch and pain. It is a fungal infection of nails, or what?


stuartsc... said...

Looks like you have a fungal infection of nails. Your unguium flame and causes the nail to thicken, crumble, and their color change. You can paint a chemical treatment called Loceryl nail polish on the nail to kill the fungus. However, it can take months of work. You can visit their family doctor and he prescribed pills Lamasil that work faster. Good luck

njali4ev... said...

Goo Dpctor and one can see that the best thing to do x

kitty said...

Sounds like something else, such as brittle nails.

adam g said...

its not too bad buy, it hurts a little, I know that I had before.

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